Recent Work
‘I find Ruth’s workshops immensely enjoyable. She’s helped me to achieve some lovely pieces of work by demonstrating the techniques step by step, giving me lots of help and advice and so much encouragement. Ruth is a really gifted teacher who is a real pleasure to be with.’
Gwen Davenport

Ruth Wharrier FLS
Botanical and Natural History painting and illustration. Watercolour, gouache and pen & ink on paper and vellum. Harpsichord soundboard decoration using 17th/18th-century historical painting techniques. Printmaking. Teacher. Commissions welcome.

Art Awards
Ruth is advisor for The Arts Council Arts Award scheme. Arts Award offers national qualifications through Trinity College, London, that enable anyone up to the age of 25 to progress into further education and employment. Young people not only gain art form knowledge and understanding, but leadership, creativity and communication skills. The framework is flexible and embraces all interests and abilities. Ruth can be approached by schools, organisations and parents who wish their children or young people to work towards an award. For more details visit www.artsaward.org.uk or contact Ruth on 07722 015847.